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Crystal Palace Bowmen 50th Open UKRS Tournament


All Day


Crystal Palace Bowmen, The Old Dunstonian's Sports Club
The Old Dunstonian's Sports Club, St Dunstan’s Lane, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3SS

Event Type

Map Unavailable

Crystal Palace Bowmen will be holding their big 50th Open UKRS Tournament on Sunday 22nd September 2024 at the Old Dunstonians Rugby Club in Beckenham, Kent.  Being a big milestone in the history of the club, this year we have the Mayor and Mayoress of the London Borough of Bromley joining us later in the day and awarding all the medals at the end.  In addition all scoring will be using Ianseo and PDAs which means no more running slips…..


All entries are through the AGB Sport:80 portal at


Please note that this year, the event will start half an hour earlier with assembly at 09:15 and sighters commencing at 09:30.


If a round is found to be full, then please still put your name on the Waiting List and we will do our upmost to fit everyone in.

50th Tournament A4 Poster 50th Open 2024 – Prospectus – version 2