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Clout rounds are great fun! It is real ‘Robin Hood’ style archery where we shoot longer distances by aiming at the sky. In clout, a flag is placed in the ground a certain distance from the shooting line. Different flags may be placed for different genders, age groups and bow types. The scoring zone consists of five concentric circles on the ground around the flag. These may be actual markings on the ground or may be measured after an end is shot, using a marked rope or tape attached to the base of the flag.

Arrows are shot towards the flag. The arrows landing in the scoring zone score points depending on which ring they land in, with the rings nearest the flag scoring higher than those further from the flag. Line cutters score upwards, though deciding where the line is can be fun, especially if the grass is on the long side.

AGB rounds use imperial measurements. WA rounds use metric measurements.

AGB Clout Rounds

AGB rounds can be shot one-way or two-way. GDB currently only offers one way clouts.

One end of six sighters is permitted each way, per round (double round includes sighters, each way)

A round consists of three dozen arrows, shot in either 3s or 6s.

The flag is square.

Scoring zones

ColourScoreDistance (radius) from flag
Yellow (Gold)518 inches
Red43 feet
Blue36 feet
Black29 feet
White112 feet

Shooting distances

Adult & 50+180yd
U21Adult & U21 & 50+140yd
U14 & U12 *U14 & U12 *80yd
Just at GDB *Just at GDB *60yd
* non compound archers only at GDB’s range

WA clout rounds

World Archery (WA) rounds can only be shot one-way.

Six practice arrows are permitted, per round.

Arrows are shot in ends of six.

A round consists of three dozen arrows.

The flag is triangular.

Scoring zone distances from flag

ColourScoreDistance (radius) from flag
Yellow (Gold)51.5m

Shooting categories and distances

Gent CompoundGent Non CompoundLady CompoundLady Non CompoundDistance
U21U21U21Adult & U21125m
*U14 & U12*U14 & U1275m
*Just at GDB*Just at GDB55m
* Not currently available at GDB.

Tassel Award scheme

The Northern Counties Archery Society administers a national Tassel Award scheme which shows the relative ability of clout shooters

The Tassel Award Scheme is administered on behalf of NCAS by: Andrew Neal